Learn Something New About coding .
Hey I m Pratimesh Tiwari , and I will be documenting my coding journey from scratch in the Coding HUB Blogs.
"Turning Caffeeine into Code"
Things to get done just after installing Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
Ubuntu 22 LTS is the latest iteration of linux distribution by Canonical […]
Create a contact form with ajax [no reload] for your webpage along with PHP,JS with bootstrap.
Creating and Submitting forms in html is fairly easy but what makes […]
Store Hangman User Records in a MYSQL Database from user-record text file
Storing Data from Hangman in a MYSQL database is usually done by […]
Hangman Game in Python and store user records in a text file
A Hangman Game On Python is about guessing letters (A-Z) to form the words. […]
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